Free Credit Report

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Know Your Credit Score For Free

December 2, 2011

It is a known fact that without a credit history sheet based on which 3 credit reports is worked out, it would be impossible for you to avail a loan from any financiers. While there are quite a few credit bureau companies, the three major ones that are well known throughout the country are Equiflax, TransUnion and Experian.



If you wish to obtain a credit report from any of these companies you can't know your credit score for free once a year like you can with your credit report. However, if you wish to have more information about your credit score, the same has to be paid for because it is not given free. Hence the best way to get a free credit report is to be on the lookout for a company that gives them for free.



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Tags: free credit report, free credit score

Posted at: 11:25 AM | Permalink

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